Vendredi 19 février, 15h00, DS-1950
Abstract : I argue that Clark and Chalmers’ (1998) parity principle and the various criteria they use to define cognition are too conservative. On a more liberal vehicle externalist view we should extend the concept of the extended mind to include engagement with social and cultural institutions. I discuss problem solving using the legal system as an example. I also respond to specific objections that have been raised against the extended mind hypothesis.
Bio : Shaun Gallagher is Professor of Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences at The University of Central Florida, where he is also a member of the Senior Research Faculty at IST, a research institute focused on simulation and modeling. He serves on the graduate faculty of UCF’s Text and Technology Program, and on the Humanities research faculty at the University of Hertfordshire (UK). He has held visiting positions at the Medical Research Council’s Cognitive and Brain Science Unit at Cambridge University, the Danish National Research Foundation Center for Subjectivity Research at the University of Copenhagen, the Ecole Normale Supériure in Lyon, and (in 2009-2010) the Centre de Recherche en Epistémelogie Appliquée (CREA), Paris. He is Editor of Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, an interdisciplinary journal published by Springer. His research interests include phenomenology and the philosophy of mind, philosophical psychology, embodiment, intersubjectivity, hermeneutics, and the philosophy of time. Professor Gallagher has accepted the Lillian and Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence at the University of Memphis Department of Philosophy, starting in Fall 2011.
Shaun Gallagher’s web page